Reveal: Which ‘Stranger Things’ Character Resides in You? 2024 Quiz

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Fast facts about the show that you could’ve missed.
Stranger things fun facts

Fast facts about the show that you could’ve missed.

  • Original Title: The show was originally titled “Montauk” and was meant to be set in Montauk, New York. The setting was later changed to Hawkins, Indiana, but the Duffer Brothers retained some elements of the original concept.
  • Dungeons & Dragons Influence: The show draws heavily from the world of Dungeons & Dragons (D&D). The Demogorgon, a prominent creature in the series, is named after a powerful demon lord in D&D.
  • Real Locations: Although set in Indiana, “Stranger Things” is primarily filmed in and around the Atlanta, Georgia area. The Duffer Brothers chose these locations to capture the right aesthetic and atmosphere.
  • Millie Bobby Brown’s Audition: Millie Bobby Brown, who plays Eleven, initially auditioned for a different role. She was so impressive that the Duffer Brothers created the character of Eleven specifically for her.
  • Winona Ryder’s Comeback: The show marked a significant comeback for Winona Ryder, who plays Joyce Byers. She became an iconic 80s actress, and her role in “Stranger Things” revitalized her career.
  • References to Stephen King: The series pays homage to the works of Stephen King, with many references and influences from his novels. The Duffer Brothers are known to be big fans of King’s writing.
  • The Mind Flayer: The Mind Flayer, a major antagonist in later seasons, is named after a creature from Dungeons & Dragons. It’s a powerful entity from the Upside Down that controls other creatures.
  • Eleven’s Real Name: Eleven’s real name, Jane, is only revealed in Season 2, and it’s an homage to the main character from the novel “Jane Eyre.”
  • Easter Eggs: The show is packed with hidden references and Easter eggs related to 80s movies, music, and pop culture. Fans have had a great time discovering these subtle nods to the past.
  • Upside Down Language: The language spoken by the creatures in the Upside Down is actually a heavily distorted version of English. Some fans have deciphered the phrases and found hidden messages.

This attention to detail fosters a unique bond between the show and its audience, encouraging viewers to delve beyond the surface and engage in their detective work. It transforms the act of watching from a passive experience to an interactive journey, where each re-watch can reveal new secrets and connections. In this way, “Stranger Things” does more than just tell a story; it creates a rich, multidimensional universe that resonates with and fascinates its audience, leaving a lasting impression that extends far beyond the screen.

We hope you had as much fun taking it as we did creating it. Facto Quiz is dedicated to crafting quizzes where fun meets self-discovery, and we’re thrilled to have you as part of our community.

Your result is more than just an outcome; it’s a reflection of the unique traits and qualities that make you who you are.

Just as the kids from Hawkins, Indiana, faced otherworldly challenges with courage and friendship, remember that you, too, possess the power to conquer any Upside Down in your life.

Stay tuned for more exciting quizzes from Facto Quiz, where every question brings you one step closer to self-discovery, one fun fact at a time. Thank you for being a part of our journey!”

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